What we offer

Online Couselling & Psychotherapy Available Now!

Is there someone I can talk to about my problems? If you don't feel comfortable speaking about your issues to your best friend, parent, or sibling, you can always talk to someone you trust. You can speak to one of our practitioners. Where can I go for a serious conversation? What number do you call if you have depression? What to do when you're struggling mentally?

Some of the conditions that we treat are the following:

  • Anxiety, depression and other debilitating psychological problems and medical conditions (like HIV/AIDS, hypertension etc.)
  • Grief and loss, crisis and trauma;
  • Relationship problems- working with couples / partners / fiancés
  • Sexual and marital problems;
  • Developmental disabilities like mental retardation and childhood problems, like bedwetting and conduct disorders

Through a team of Registered Counsellors & Clinical Psychologists, we are able to provide counselling & support to Individuals and Groups that are victims of traumatic situations such as:

  • Armed robbery
  • Sexual abuse
  • Accidents & deaths
  • Life-threatening diseases and illnesses.

Our professional team also provides comprehensive Employee wellness services that promote mental health and build healthy workplaces

Dr Sodi, one of our clinical psychologists, is accredited by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (ABIME) as being Proficient in the use of the American Medical Association (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. She also obtained a Certificate for successfully completing a course on The Foundations of Medico-Legal Practice, awarded by the University of Cape Town (UCT) and the South African Medico-Legal Association (SAMLA).

For her doctoral thesis, Dr Sodi focused on caregiving for adults who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. The study helped her to gain a better understanding of the functioning of people who suffered traumatic brain injury, including how caregivers of the affected individuals cope with the condition.

  • 3rd Party claims (e.g. Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA)/ Road Accident Fund (RAF), Psychological consequences matters, etc.). This may involve among others: clinical evaluations for post MVA trauma and psychopathological impact; personality and intellectual assessments; and neuropsychological evaluations;
  • Civil competencies (e.g. Competency to make treatment decisions, competency to handle finances);
  • Competencies relating to criminal cases (e.g. To determine specific intent, diminished capacity, competency to stand trial and sentencing).

We conduct psychometric assessments for:

  • Recruitment
  • Selection
  • Personal development
  • Career pathing and development

One may need counselling in order to cope with a distressing experience. People struggling with depression, anxiety disorders, phobias, addiction, PTSD, ADHD etc. may seek therapy to treat the problem or learn healthy coping mechanisms. 

Going through challenges is a normal life experience however there comes a point where it begins to affect your life and derails you from your life plans. You don’t have to go through it on your own, seek help.

This is based on the severity of the distress that one may be experiencing. This is a recommendation that will be made by your therapist based on their professional assessment and the feedback provided by you in the counselling sessions.

Even though most people prefer face to face consultations, there are also online platforms designed to deliver online counselling and psychotherapy. You may contact us for more information on this.

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